Towards the end of last semester, Prof. Hamel hosted presentations from nine student groups in the final class of the Resilient Urban Systems course at NTU Asian School of the Environment. Each group conducted fieldwork on urban resilience in Singapore, exploring Jurong Lake Gardens in creative ways to uncover various aspects of resilience. Some students focused on heat and community resilience, while others examined the resilience of flora and fauna.

Students also created infographics to showcase their findings. Below, you'll find some of these visuals and photographs from the presentations.
Some of the visually appealing and educational infographics created by students from Resilient Urban Systems course.
Our lab's researchers attended the presentations to learn more about the students' work. Atmaja, an incoming research fellow trained in social sciences, noted, “By blending environmental science with community insights, the students highlighted pressing issues in Singapore, demonstrating how interdisciplinary approaches can drive sustainable change.” Meherwan, another researcher, was impressed by the high-quality infographics and hopes these findings can be made more accessible to visitors of the gardens.
Wishing everyone best of luck for the new semester ahead! Feel free to reach out if you'd like to learn more about this fantastic projects.