New Cities in Indonesia
Urbanisation has resulted in the proliferation of new city development - especially in the global South. These new cities provide hope for better living conditions as well as economic opportunities. New cities are often built “from scratch” which alters the social and ecological systems of the areas where these cities are located. They are also largely promoted by private developments that may result in segregation of people in the city as well as changes in how cities are managed. What do these trends mean for the resilience of these new cities in light of global issues such as climate change? And how can we further improve the resilience of these new cities given these trends?
To answer these questions, we study new city projects in Indonesia as a case study and determine the changes to their social-ecological systems and its governance as a result of these developments. We aim to connect the empirical evidence to urban resilience - i.e. how cities adapt or transform in light of disturbances and pressures such as climate change. Outcomes of this research may help to understand the implications of new city developments on urban resilience as well as to reflect on how we can move forward towards more resilient urban futures.

Distribution of new city developments as highlight in Indonesia’s national government’s mid-term development plan, RPJMN 2015 - 2019
[Credits: Google Earth]

Stylized representation of masterplans for "new towns" in Greater Jakarta. The majority of new towns emphasize Nature for Society values.

Satellite imagery highlighting land cover change between 2015 to 2019 in Kecamatan Maja, Banten province. These land cover changes in Maja is attributed to the development of the new city of Maja as noted in the national government’s mid-term development plan, RPJMN 2020 - 2024
[Credits: Google Earth Engine]
Project leads: Fairul Edros, Perrine Hamel,
Collaborators/Project Partners:
Aritta Suwarno (Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands), Sharifa Aulia Rosyida Irawan and Alex Lechner (Monash University, Indonesia)